
    Unleash Sales Promotion Excellence: Harness Tableau Analytics for F&B Success

    Client : One of the largest producers of bottled non-alcoholic & ready-to-drink beverages in the Asia-Pacific region.
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    case study
    • CPG
    • Tableau
    • Data Visualization
    Problem Statement Problem Statement

    The multinational client faced a critical operational bottleneck that impeded their ability to effectively gauge the impact of promotional efforts. The absence of a comprehensive reporting system not only hindered their capacity to make informed decisions but also jeopardized their competitive standing in the fiercely dynamic Asia-Pacific F&B market.

    Key Challenges Key Challenges
    • Incomplete market understanding hinders strategic pricing decisions and choices.
    • Facing Revenue loss and market share erosion due to pricing inefficiencies.
    • Profitability impacted by lack of data-driven decision-making
    • Competitive vulnerability without a robust pricing analytics framework.
    Solution Implemented Solution Areas

    With a detailed assessment, we understood their data and their bottlenecks at a granular to provide strong data architectures, intuitive multi-dimensional reporting, and optimized their data management.

    • Revolutionized the collection of reports generated across applications with SQL and Prep Builder to enable efficient reporting using Tableau.
    • Creation of What-IF Analysis reports for promotional strategies.
    • Implementation of D-A-R (Dashboard-Analysis-Reporting) approach for the Sales teams.
    • Implemented framework for auto-generation of Analytics and dashboards from source system data leveraging Tableau.
    • Revamping of app and website to track effectiveness of campaigns and supervise promotion-to-sales ROI
    Tech Stack
    • SQL
    • Tableau
    Any Challenges ?
    Our Industry Experts can solve your problem.
    Business Impact
    • Achieved savings of 570,000 man-hours annually.
    • Realized a staggering 99.87% reduction in the time taken to access T-1 reports.
    • Witnessed a remarkable 98.3% reduction in Turnaround Time (TAT) - from 5-7 days to a few hours, for collecting and analyzing data from various sources.
    • 100 % Elimination of Manual data collation and manual report bursting - replaced by automated generation of reports and dashboards.
    Project Timeline
    • Implementation to Go-Live: 6 months