
    India's Largest Airport Concessionaire Optimizes Data Management with QlikView Analytics

    Client : India's Largest Airport Concessionaire
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    case study
    • Retail
    • Qlik
    Problem Statement Problem Statement

    The client grappled with an immense influx of internally generated data, appending 30,000 rows to a colossal 60 million-row spreadsheet daily. The lack of data uniformity led to multiple versions of the same sheet, compromising its integrity and hampering analysis crucial for decision-making. The client decided to replace their legacy data management and reporting systems with QlikView, a leading analytics solution.

    Key Challenges Key Challenges
    • Vast amount of data created data management and processing challenges
    • Lack of standardization across data sources
    • Inefficiencies caused due to slow response time
    • Delayed insights due to slow data reloads
    • Lack of trust in the solution led to a chaotic process and low user adoption.
    Solution Framework Solution Framework
    • Our analysts collaborated with IT and business users to identify concerns, and our developers diligently incorporated missing requirements.
    • With Qlik's three-layered ETL architecture, we achieve optimized processes and a strong foundation for comprehensive analytics.
    • We delivered a precise and tailored solution by recreating the UI to match user interactions effectively.
    Any Challenges ?
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    Business Impact
    • 98% Improvement in data accuracy with QlikView adoption
    • 97% Reduction in reload time to 36 minutes (from 9.5 hours).
    • 95% Reduction in wait time, reports generated instantly
    • 90% Reduction in RAM usage and reload-time
    Project Timeline
    • Delivered in 8 weeks

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