    DataRobot Solution Consulting
    Why DataRobot?

    An automated machine learning platform that helps enterprises develop and deploy best machine learning models for their data with a single click.

    Enterprises often find it difficult to derive value from their data science investments due to costly hirings, unexplainable AI black models. These challenges arise due to three factors:

    AI Path To Value

    Data Robot

    Data Robot's Automated Machine Learning capabilities can make this easy to deploy complex AI/ ML use cases for every user within the enterprise with a simple and efficient workflow. While previously, the user had to select and test individual machine learning models on their data, and fine-tune them in order to find out the most accurate model to deploy, data robot automates data science processes by integrating with ML algorithms (R, Python, Spark, H2O) and systematically comparing the different models, with complete transparency for the user, for predictive decision making

    Deploying the selected models was also a hard task for the user with the solution sometimes taking upto a month to deploy. Datarobot makes the deployment seamless at the click of a button with an API that makes the whole process done in minutes.

    Polestar & DataRobot Partnership

    Our strategic partnership with Data Robot adds a further asset to our end-to-end data offering for our clients and help them deploy predictive analytics models with ease & real business impact

    Data Robot
    Deploy 100 + Automated Use Cases Available, Such As

    Forecast Daily Demand By Store

    Reduce False Positives For Anti- Money Laundering

    Predict Customer Lifetime Value

    Predict Likelihood of Loan Default

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    Polestar Services