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Revenue Forecasting & Deal Margin Management With Anaplan

Working on Multi-million dollar deals seems very easy for most service organizations, but how do they ensure the right resource allocations while maintaining their bottom line?

This is where revenue forecasting and deal margin management come into the picture. They form the solid foundation on which entire operations work. This is what we’re talking about today. With this eBook, you can get an overview of:

- The Importance of Revenue Forecasting & Deal Margin

- What the traditional process is?

- Key challenges with the traditional approach to Revenue Forecasting and Deal Margin management

- Signs that you need to move away from the old approach

- The new way: Connected planning approach

  • Key benefits
  • Impact
  • How to do it

- Key components of the new approach

- The final stage: How to identify the signs

The transition from old archaic methods of Revenue Forecasting and DMM to the future with Anaplan and connected planning

Revenue Forecasting & Deal Margin Management
Download the E-book
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