
    Largest Indian B2B marketplace optimizes Sales reporting with Amazon Redshift & Microsoft Power BI

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    case study
    • Data Engineering
    • AWS
    • Ecomm
    Problem Statement Problem Statement

    The current platform with Excel-based operations suffers from inefficiency due to its siloed structure. Separate teams manage different listings (Free, Catalogue Services, Premium) creating fragmented information. Adding to this, the teams must download raw data from the ERP system into individual spreadsheets, and then manually merge them back into a single, error-prone master Excel file. This leads to leading to slow operations, inaccurate reporting, and ultimately affects the platform's effectiveness.

    Key Challenges Key Challenges
    • Inconsist and non-standard formatting challenges to the Master Dump.
    • Prone to human errors difficult to track in a spreadsheet.
    • Manual processes leading to productivity loss and inefficiencies.
    • Inaccurate Sales data reporting due to the lack of a centralized repository.
    • No real-time view into the business health, leading to last-minute hassles.
    Solution Implemented Solution Implemented
    • Automated data import from flat files & Oracle ERP using Amazon S3.
    • Transformed & validated data with AWS Glue for accurate reporting.
    • Centralized data repository in Amazon Redshift with data governance.
    • Real-time & interactive reports built with Microsoft Power BI.
    Architecting with the Best Tech Stack
    • AWS
    • Amazon S3
    • Power BI
    • Amazon Redshift
    • Amazon Cloud watch
    • AWS Glue
    Any Challenges ?
    Our Industry Experts can solve your problem.
    Business Impact
    • 100% increase in data accountability
    • 95% reduction in data loss incidents
    • 82% increase in data processing speed
    • 70% increase in user satisfaction

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