
    BPO Giant Improves Data Governance To Achieve Unrelenting Growth With Power BI

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    case study
    • Power BI
    • IT/ITeS

    Our client is a leader in operation management, consulting and analytics with its services ranging across a broad array of industries like insurance, healthcare, banking & financial services, utilities, travel, transportation & logistics.

    They boast of an impeccable BPO, benchmarking and consulting record and help businesses achieve sustained growth and profitability in the face of relentless competition and disruption. With a growing clientele & their demands, traditional systems started to pose a challenge in information management and reporting.

    They needed an automated system to promptly access report metrics, assist in executive decision making, establish benchmarks along with keeping a check on various Service Level Agreements. They partnered with Polestar to revamp the entire data governance platform and implement a Microsoft Power BI solution to tackle their existing challenges.

    The Challenge

    Impeccable services required an on-time delivery & a highly responsive support framework. Being a BPO vendor of choice for businesses across industries, needed to be on toes to meet their Service Level Agreement (SLA) targets.

    The company was dealing with an enormous size of data generating from different business lines across the organization. As the practices followed were not uniform across teams and departments, it was resulting in multiple versions of the spreadsheets catering to the same business unit. Several users were sharing the same spreadsheet which had no provision for backtracking the numbers keyed in or any transformation performed over the data.

    The SLAs required constant reporting to the internal as well as external stakeholders to assess the completion status. Although the data stored in spreadsheets contained information that was useful for the business, it was difficult to gather and report upon a resulting in very high Turn-around-Time (TAT) for these reports. The decision-makers were not getting insights at the right time.

    The inputs submitted by the front-line team were full of ambiguities, due to which the decision-makers lacked the visibility of operations across the delivery centres. It was creating hurdles in striking the right balance in resource planning and allocation.

    The traditional Excel-based MIS reporting lacked the dynamicity of delivering top-notch services.

    The Solution

    With the help of their technical support team, our business analyst chalked out a solution roadmap. The solution implementation was a three-step process:

    Setting up a Data Warehouse:

    A data warehouse was essential to build an organization-wide data repository. As there were no uniform practices, some were using spreadsheets while some had custom-built applications to record the data. We worked with the business team to create a common Extraction layer which can extract the data from discrete sources be it Custom Applications or Excel Files.

    Recognizing crucial reports & KPIs:

    Our business analysts identified department-wise & role-wise responsibilities of business users. A detailed document was created capturing the user's requirements. We recognized some key metrics and reports to aid the business users to assess the situation of each SLA and to make informed decisions.

    Implementing Power BI:

    We Integrated Power BI over the data warehouse which gave users a fixed reporting module. The data warehouse was storing the data whereas the Power BI was creating some insightful metrics using that data. The users had access to some pre-defined reports and dashboards in their Power BI application. It helped them in getting an accurate picture of the completion status of SLAs, a timely course correction (if needed). They could also use it to derive insights even at granular levels.

    It was their technical support team, who approached us for a BI implementation. Initially, we developed the solution for the insurance business line but, the impact of the solution delivered, helped us gain momentum across other business lines as well.

    They approached a BI vendor for trial, who could not even deliver a single report in 4 months. While for us the average TAT was three months including the consulting, Proof-of-Conception, data warehousing, and Power BI integration.

    The Results:

    It used to take somewhere around 24 Man hours per week to prepare the MIS report deck, post-implementation it was taking lesser than 6 Man hours per week.
    Today with Power BI, event-specific analysis has been created for which users can access a detailed report based on predefined parameters without spending much time. Additionally, since these reports were taking lesser effort, the technical support team could now dedicate more time to other initiatives.

    The business users could now see trends over past week, month or quarter, drill down into details, address failures, and get a picture of SLAs status all thanks to dashboards that provide daily and monthly metrics.

    It helped in better planning, estimation, and resource optimization. Decision-makers were getting a real-time status of operations across all centers in one place.

    The data sanctity remained intact as each user had separate credentials in the Power BI application and any changes made could be tracked back. It assured everyone one was using the same pieces of information.

    We have continued involvement for more than a year now that saw us deliver value to Insurance, Consulting, Health Care, Analytics, and Finance & Accounting service lines.

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