
    The Agile CFO Amid A Crisis

    The office of the CFO enables Financial Agility and Resilience Amid Disruption and their teams are tasked with creating both short-term readiness and long-term resilience in order to weather the unpredictable COVID19 storm. The agile CFO uses best-of-breed enterprise technology solutions to align operations, sales, HR and other functions with financial priorities in order to predict uncertainties and protect bottom lines.

    This eBook explores how Anaplan empowers CFOs to be agile to:

    • Keep bird-eye view across finance, HR, sales, and supply chain.
    • Unify dynamic modeling with real-time data to pivot strategically and quickly.
    • Support on workforce management side using scenario planning.
    • Deploy an objective approach to decision-making amidst all the chaos surrounding the crisis.
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