
    Consumer Goods Multinational Enabled Effectiveness In Reporting And Decision Making With Power BI

    Client : A Global UK based consumer goods company, focused on hygiene, wellness, and home care products.
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    case study
    • Power BI
    • CPG
    • Data Visualization
    Problem Statement Problem Statement

    The scale of the business expanded to small towns and rural areas where distributors didnt have software to manage inventory. This reduced visibility for the company into its tertiary sales figures.

    Key Challenges Key Challenges
    • Reliance on semi-cooked reports
    • Static data representation
    • Outdated processes
    • Limited E-commerce sales tracking
    Solution Implemented Solution Areas

    To address these challenges, data from the dealer/distributor management system, raw Excels, and Sap have been used and compiled into the sales data warehouse. We have identified gaps, decoded embedded logic, implemented a Sales Analysis Solution in the warehouse, and incorporated E-commerce Tracking. This enabled the segmentation of strategies based on primary and secondary sales, returns, and collections. Notably, E-commerce tracking mechanisms have been established, and key performance indicators (KPIs) have been introduced using interactive Power BI reporting.

    Any Challenges ?
    Our Industry Experts can solve your problem.
    Business Impact
    • Increased strategy segments by 20% through Interactive Dashboards
    • Reduced Reporting TAT by 27% Leading to Increased Adoption
    • Enhanced Forecasting by improving accuracy by 25%
    • 40% increase in cross-branch collaboration & 73% reduction in reporting discrepancies across branches

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