
    Heard on the Street – 8/30/2022


    Originally Posted: Insidebigdata

    Diving into the Metaverse with Data. Commentary by Dineshwar M, VP — Data Science, Polestar Solutions

    As we enter a new world of innovation with hyper-worlds, metaverses, and Web 4.0, the possibilities for data analytics & AI-ML are exciting as AI-ML interacts with new-age technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and IoT. These worlds are accessed using VR headsets, AR glasses, and apps. Metaverse enables users to own their own digital assets using blockchain technology in the virtual worlds which are composed of layers and layers of data. Now, data is transferred at every level of user activity, which enables users to act/react in virtual worlds.

    Imagine the number of people interacting within these virtual worlds, and how much insight one can garner from user behavior itself. The possibilities are endless for users as well as brands for providing personalized suggestions based on their historical activities. As data usage and volume increase and becomes richer and richer, AI algorithms also become more efficient. And, so it becomes extremely important for brands to identify the correct data to train and enrich AI models as well. This comes with its own set of challenges such as data integrity, security, and privacy.

    How we solve these issues is going to be important as it decides the rate at which the metaverse grows. The uses are rich — right from the gaming industry to personalized shopping experiences, entertainment, finance, banking, etc. I believe NLP and conversational AI are going to be top runners amongst all other disciplines inside AI with respect to the metaverse value chain.

    Welcome to insideBIGDATA’s “Heard on the Street” round-up column! In this regular feature, we highlight thought-leadership commentaries from members of the big data ecosystem.