    Pricing & Promotion Solution

    The phrase 'Customer is King' even though loosely used over decades, was never so true. Customers now have the ultimate power in terms of product visibility, info on competitive substitutes just around the corner of their screens, and wait for the best promotional deal before making the purchase - this has not just given them the power to negotiate, it has also led to an ingrained habit of buying only when there are discounts available.

    Taking stock of the matters on the other side of the table, the CPG brands, retailers, manufacturers, and others involved - the picture doesn't look very rosy. To be in front of their customers, it requires them to spend dollars on promotional deals, discounts, and setting up optimum prices. Doing all of it requires a handsome investment in technology, marketing channels, and getting physical and digital shelf space. Often, boardroom discussions try to make sense of these investments, and questions are raised on trade promotion effectiveness. What if we have one platform to keep a tab on these activities and create a literal sense with data-backed intelligence.

    Single Platform To Manage Your Trade Promotion Effectiveness (TPE)

    Achieving trade promotion effectiveness requires connecting the different data sources, bringing together the various promotion schemes, and then breaking them down to granular events from bundled schemes. This helps in making sense of the price point that worked, promotions that created an impact, and identifying leading channels for CPG brands.

    Optimum and Dynamic Pricing

    Find answers to Pricing related questions such as:

    • What should be the price of any product?
    • How can we execute dynamic pricing?
    • How to be competitive and transparent to customers?

    Our Solution analyses the impact of price on demand and finds the optimal price points by analysing these details.

    Dynamic Pricing
    Channels & Profitability Analysis

    Identify your most profitable channels by answering:

    • Who are my profitable customers and segments?
    • What are my best-performing channels?
    • How does my product mix stand?

    Analyse and implement data-backed strategies to improve the ROI of your promotions.

    Channels & Profitability
    Trade Promotion Effectiveness

    An average of 10% of gross sales is spent on trade promotions, achieve TPE by finding these answers for your brand:

    • Which trade promotions have delivered the best results?
    • How can we improve trade promotion accuracy?
    • What are the critical elements of a successful promotion?
    Trade Promotion
    Solving Trade Promotion & Sales Productivity Challenges For CPG Brands
    Solving Trade
    One of the Largest Non-Alcoholic Bottler Achieved 95% Reduction in Promotions Reporting

    Our solution helped one of the leading bottlers in the world automate the collection of information from different promotion programs and deals running parallely on a single platform. It led to the elimination of human error and cost savings in terms of productivity.

    Further, the platform helped them analyse the performance of different promotion schemes by generating a report that ranks, sorts, classifies, and analyses the different performance parameters.

    • 95%

      time savings in report creation

    • 15%

      increase in spend effectiveness

    • 2%

      sales margin uplift

    Why Choose Our Solution For Trade Promotion Effectiveness:

    Deployable with your existing technology stack

    100+ years of combined CPG industry expertise

    Successful analytics implementation for 40+ CPG brands

    Customizable Solution to fit your enterprise requirements

    Talk to us!
    Our CPG & Retail Experts
    Saurabh Singh
    Saurabh SinghSenior Vice President
    Siddharth Poddar
    Siddharth PoddarSenior Vice President