    Consumer Durables

    The purpose of geospatial analytics is to visualize data from a variety of technologies - GPS, location sensors, social media, mobile devices, and satellite imagery - in order to understand phenomena and identify trends in complicated relationships between people and places. It is possible to use geo-referenced data to analyze nearly any event on earth. The visualizations may appear as maps, graphs, statistics, and cartograms, showing historical changes and current shifts. Predictions can be made more accurate and easier this way.

    By adding timing and location to traditional types of data, geospatial analytics gives a more complete picture of events. Visual patterns and images reveal insights that might have been lost in a massive spreadsheet.

    Geospatial analytics companies can instantly process large amounts of geographic and geometric data. A real-time geospatial visualization allows users to interact with billions of mapped points. By exploring data across time and space, users can see how something has changed over time.

    The following are some of the benefits of geospatial analytics:

  • Engaging insights are made easier with data presented on a map that shows how events unfold and how to react.
  • The ability to see how spatial conditions are changing in real-time can help an organization better prepare for change.
  • The ability to see location-based data facilitates understanding why some locations and countries perform better than others for businesses, such as the United States.
  • Develop targeted solutions.
  • Analyzing solutions based on location can help decision-makers understand why they fail in other places. In addition, it can provide insight into the locational factors that influence broader trends in the future.
  • The integration of geospatial data into many different industries and corporate functions shouldn't come as a surprise. Since it provides a lot of additional information and context, it's a valuable addition to data. Below are a few business practices that utilize geospatial data analysis.

  • Combine property and mobility data to determine how many people entered your store instead of just passing by.
  • Analysis of consumer behavior and movement patterns in order to determine which businesses to invest in.
  • Based on their location, find out which nearby businesses and points of interest are hurting (or even helping) your store.
  • Ascertaining a building's size, shape, location, purpose, and occupancy allows insurers to estimate how vulnerable it or its tenants are to accidents.
  • Analyze the trends of where your customers visit other stores and the brands they purchase to strategically plan the locations and inventory of your business.

  • READ MORE: Top 7 Geospatial Analytics Use Cases