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An encrypted database uses an algorithm to convert plain text data into unusable cipher text. Database decryption keys are then deployed to convert the cipher text back to its original state.
Database encryption ensures that your data is secure at rest and while it is in transit. Recent security breaches have prompted many organizations to take data encryption seriously.
The database server is typically the most valuable asset for most organizations, making it a common target for attackers.
It is likely that an intruder will steal valuable information from your server once they gain access to it. Data is then used for ransom, data exploitation, or other financial gains from the organization they have attacked.
By using an algorithm, database encryption converts data into "cipher text" (unreadable text).
To decrypt the text, you need a key generated by the algorithm. Especially for businesses dealing with financial, health care, or e-commerce, database encryption is highly recommended. Data breaches, cyber attacks, and data theft have been rampant in recent years, so private data is of increasing concern.
Data privacy and security are very important to people, and they want their data protected and used only when necessary.
The following are some benefits of database encryption:
Keeping your system secure
Data breaches are inevitable, but with better security and encryption methods, intruders might not be able to analyze or decrypt the data for further analysis.
Regulations for security compliance
Encryption is one of the most important requirements of security regulations such as PCI-DSS. The requirement must be met.
Keeping sensitive information safe
With centralized key management and simple APIs for data encryption, encryption key management is ideal for protecting sensitive data.
The following are some common and real-world uses of data encryption.
The level of business you are engaged in and the schematic process and design of your application determine whether data encryption is desirable and often mandatory.
Should you care about data encryption? Without a doubt, yes. Personal dependency and business purpose come up as well.
Sensitive data, especially when you have already built your own persona and financial capacity within an organization or company, is very much at a higher level of sensitivity.
The last thing you want is someone stealing your data and knowing everything about the growth of your company. As a result, securing your database and the data itself requires encryption.