
    Mapping the Business Journey with Snowflake Data Warehouse

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    • Vinita GeraData poet
      Stories are data with a soul. They are always looking for a way to be heard.
    Updated 09-February-2024
    • Snowflake
    • Data Warehouse

    To produce meaningful results from data, two major factors come into play.

    • Having a solid foundation akin to a tree is crucial.(This foundation encompasses aspects like robust infrastructure, effective data management practices, and skilled personnel).
    • Ability to scale operations, conduct efficient data mining, and facilitate seamless business operations are vital components of yielding significant impact.

    “A tree is known by its fruit.” This famous proverb paves the way to the evolving era of data volumes and advanced technology to prove that the key to being successful is not about the data or the insights driven from it but about their impact on business.

    What does it take to produce fruit or deliver a significant impact from data and insights? Does your organization require a data warehouse?

    A data warehouse is referred to as a tree with a solid foundation and its impact to optimize business operations, do effective data mining, ensure scalability, and lead to accelerated business growth is termed as fruit.

    The question of what it takes to result in favorable business outcomes from data & insights and whether or not your business needs a data warehouse is a complicated one, and the answer will generally be subjective. If your organization deals in large & volatile data volumes, it should be a YES. Because a data warehouse investment never goes proves to be a waste.

    Over the past two years, the demand for serverless services, including data warehouses, has increased for both big and small data. According to an Allied Market survey conducted in 2021, it is projected that global data warehousing is likely to reach $51.8 billion by the year 2028.

    Snowflake is a enterprise data warehouse (Snowflake EDW) with fully independent scaling that runs on Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Provider (GCP), or Amazon Web Services(AWS). It is an ideal platform for enterprises that don't want to devote resources to the setup, maintenance, and support of in-house servers. This easy-to-use and flexible platform enables the automatic scaling of analytics, storage, or any workgroup resource for any task instantly.

    It provides a delivery system for providing ‘run-time’ resources as required. Many teams have found this to be appealing because you only pay for the time that Snowflake is running, saving you money when Snowflake isn’t in use.

    In this blog, let’s delve deeper into the reasons why you might want to consider the unique architecture of the cloud-agnostic platform, Snowflake.

    1. Zero administration required: You don't need to be concerned about scaling your infrastructure as your datasets and user base expand or worried about configuration, software upgrades, or failures. The cloud data management platform, Snowflake supports modern features and many other extended functionalities like big data workloads, auto suspends, data sharing, and auto-scaling warehouse size.

    As a Snowflake solution partner, we help you migrate to Snowflake without loss of data or any downtime. You can focus on your core tasks without worrying about data management/administration.

    2. Ease of Use: In a traditional data warehouse, the competition between users and processes for resources would often result in concurrency issues. As a result, the ETL/ELT tasks would become extremely tedious but the modern snowflake cloud data warehouse, Snowflake, is renowned for its intuitive and user-friendly interface.

    With Snowflake’s multi-cluster architecture, you can quickly get started and automatically spin up and down compute clusters of any size for every user or workload without interfering with other tasks. Snowflake claims to provide the performance your business requires with near-infinite concurrency and adaptability.

    3. Convenient Pricing: With the pay-as-you-go pricing feature, Snowflake cloud-based data warehouse is gaining a lot of traction to simplify data warehousing needs. The cost is determined by how much data you keep and how many compute hours you use.

    This on-demand, the cost-optimized solution ensures that data is available when needed for analysis, reporting, or other business tasks without adding to system expenses associated with "idle" time. Prices and resources for computing are distinct from those for data storage. A warehouse can be automatically put to a halt if it is not in use for a while to help you save costs when it's idle.

    4. Performance and Scalability: You don’t have to worry about managing, scaling, or optimizing clusters for quick execution. The computing and storage resources are separated by the Snowflake multi-cluster shared data architecture. This approach gives users the option to scale up resources when they need to load big volumes of data quickly and scale back down when the process is complete without causing any service interruptions.

    Customers can begin with a very small virtual warehouse and increase or decrease it as necessary. Snowflake has included auto-scaling and auto-suspend features to ensure minimal management. These two ideas offer cost control, flexibility, and performance optimization.

    5. Security and Encryption: Snowflake includes a wide range of security features, from the way users access it to how data is stored. By adding IP addresses to a whitelist, you can control network policies and restrict account accessibility. Snowflake supports several authentication techniques, including federated authentication and two-factor authentication for SSO.

    A hybrid approach of role-based access control and discretionary access control is used to regulate access to the objects in the account. Each object in the account has an owner who controls access to the object. This hybrid strategy offers a substantial level of flexibility and control.

    The pay-for-usage pricing model is very appealing to businesses, especially for organizations that were low on budget or required systems or DevOps support. Snowflake cloud data warehouse delivers the most significant value when your data pipelines serve as an engine for your analytics initiatives. Without data, your system cannot be loaded with anything and cannot be analyzed. And finally, even though Snowflake is simple, many teams have trouble managing their data stacks.

    Why? Because they are assigned tasks that they are not familiar to handle efficiently. Building a data team with people who will work hard and are enthusiastic about what they do is essential. Train your teams regarding required skills and encourage them to engage with data, platforms, and insights.

    You might want to consider Snowflake because it-

    • Serves a wide range of technology areas like advanced analytics, data integration, BI, security, and governance.
    • Supports programming languages that include Python, Go, C, Node.js, Java, .NET, etc.
    • Offers dynamic, scalable computing power with the pay-for-usage pricing model.
    • Provides unlimited, seamless scalability across Microsft Azure & Amazon Web Services.
    • Enables ANSI SQL language support to manage day-to-day operations.

    Unquestionably, snowflake warehouse management offers powerful performance and cost-efficient benefits over traditional warehouse systems. As a Snowflake solution partner, we help you migrate to Snowflake without loss of data or any downtime. You can focus on your core tasks without worrying about data management/administration.

    Recently, Snowflake has been actively investing in AI and building capabilities within their Data Cloud platform. Here's a summary of their recent activities:

    Acquiring companies: Neeva for advanced search, Streamlit for LLM apps, Applica for data organization.

    Expanding tools: Snowpark ML makes building AI models easier, Notebooks offer a collab space.

    Investing big: $100M fund for AI apps built on Snowflake.

    The cloud-native platform can be a game-changer for your business when aligned with a solid data strategy.If you are looking for a platform to kickstart your data and analytics practices, Polestar Solutions is ready to help you leverage the Snowflake platform and achieve your business goals.

    data sources and data customers


    As a Snowflake solution partner, we help you migrate to Snowflake without loss of data or any downtime. You can focus on your core tasks without worrying about data management/administration.

    About Author

    Snowflake data warehouse
    Vinita Gera

    Data poet

    Stories are data with a soul. They are always looking for a way to be heard.

    Generally Talks About

    • Snowflake
    • Data Warehouse

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